Improvement suggestion

Eloy Cuadra ecuadra at
Sun Nov 28 11:38:30 GMT 2021

Hi there!

El domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2021, Xavier Besnard (Perso) escribió:
> Hi all,
> I am fully in line with Łukasz's proposition for creating a dedicated branch
> for the website translations, in addition to documentation and application
> translation branches. Therefore, I have no idea about the feasibility,
> impacts and modifications to do so. For me, the translation
> process/terminology/wording are a bit different between applications and
> documentation, justifying (for years) two separate translation branches.
> For website translations, I am translating within the FR team,KDE
> announcements and many others websites. The translation work is a bit
> different to doc and apps (more HTML, links, ref, ...). Workload is
> greater, reactivity to changes depending on team size, requiring dedicated
> skills (ex: Krita or Kdenlive). Good proposition to separate websites
> translations for me, without mixing apps and websites. Just to understand
> the naming in the new branch, Łukasz, is this what you are proposing?
>   * messages/documentation-docs-kdenlive-org/ ==>
>     messages/websites/kdenlive-org
>   * messages/websites-kde-org ==> messages/websites/kde-org (with files
>     frameworks_announcements.po menu_shared.po  promo.po 
>     release_announcements.po www_www.po)
> Hope it helps.
> Cheers. Xavier

I think there's no need of creating new branches in the repository. Maybe a 
little change in website would be enough (perhaps 
separating the repositories that start with prefixes 'documentation-' and 
'websites-' into two additional categories).

Eloy Cuadra

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