A couple incorrect translations in kcontrol

Ellis Whitehead kde-i18n-de@mail.kde.org
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 12:03:50 +0100

Hi Thomas,

On Saturday 29 March 2003 09:59, Thomas Diehl wrote:
> Am Samstag, 29. März 2003 09:37 schrieb Ellis Whitehead:
> > The "Win" key is a
> > different issue though.  It does have to be translated, like "Ctrl" needs
> > to be translated to "Strg" -- however, I think in the case of German it
> > should remain "Win" and not become "Windows", as Strg isn't Steuerung und
> > Alt isn't Alternative (or whatever).
> Well, the Win key on my keyboard has just the "Windows" Symbol on it, not
> any characters like "Strg" and "Alt". And I think, for German users it
> would be much clearer to not use an abbreviation for this one. Maybe I can
> get some feedback on this from the German team.

That'd be good.  It should be kept in mind that the key is generally 
documented as "Win" on English sites.  (Under MS Windows Win+E is for 
Explorer, Win+D for showing the desktop, etc..)  Considering how much 
documentation is in English, this is probably not insignificant.  A couple 
insignificant reasons to "Win" instead of "Windows" are 1) "Windows" takes up 
a lot of space, and 2) it sounds somewhat like the "MS Windows" key.  The Win 
key plays the role of the "Window Manager" key.

Deutsch ist übrigens meine Alltagssprache, und Englisch benutzte ich fast 
ausschließlich zum Emailen und Programmieren -- ich hatte das deutsche 
i18n-Datei bloss wegen ihrer Grösse noch nicht runtergeladen.  Also, dieser 
Vorschlag kommt nicht völlig ohne Gefühl für die deutsche Sprache.  :)
