[kdecat] Fwd: Amarok 1.4.2 (no string freeze)

Xavier Batlle i Pèlach tevibp at wanadoo.es
Tue Jul 18 20:32:16 UTC 2006

A Dimarts 18 Juliol 2006 22:07, Albert Astals Cid va escriure:
> Algú s'anima? 
> Albert

No sé com ho té en Pau, veig que hi ha actualitzacions del 10 de juliol. Si no 
pot jo m'hi puc posar.

Per cert, algú té algun inconvenient en que agafi el KTorrent?

> ----------  Missatge transmès  ----------
> Subject: Amarok 1.4.2 (no string freeze)
> Date: Dimarts 18 Juliol 2006 20:19
> From: Harald Sitter
> Hey guys,
> We did setup a schedule for upcoming Amarok 1.4.2 release:
> http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Schedule:1.4#Amarok_1.4.2
> As of now a beta is scheduled for July 30th and the final for August 6th -
> though it might be that everything gets delayed for about one week in case
> latest features cause problems. Also currently we don't plan to do a string
> freeze, which actually means that I'll ask everybody to not change strings
> within the last 4 days befor release so that you have meanful time to
> provide a complete translation.
> BTW:
> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/release_scripts/rel
>ea se_amarok.rb?rev=563857&view=auto
> --
> Harald Sitter      roKymotion team         harald.sitter at kdemail.net
> amarok.kde.org     rokymotion.pwsp.net     apachelogger at kdetalk.net
> -------------------------------------------------------
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