[kdecat] Paraula "resume"

Tomàs Núñez Lirola tomas at grupoeon.net
Mon Nov 17 17:08:26 UTC 2003

He vist al Kget (i juraria que a uns quants llocs més) que es tradueix la 
paraule "resume" com "resumir". A mi em sembla que aquestes dues paraules no 
signifiquen el mateix... La primera paraula que em ve al  cap per traduir 
"resume" és "continuar". Però clar, aleshores com traduirem "continue"?

Aleshores he buscat a veure si trobava la diferencia entre "resume" i 
"continue". Definicions de Wordnet

     n 1: short descriptive summary (of events) [syn: sketch, survey]
     2: a summary of your academic and work history [syn: curriculum
        vitae, CV]
     v 1: take up or begin anew; "We resumed the negotiations" [syn: restart]
     2: return to a previous location or condition; "The painting
        resumed its old condition when we restored it" [syn: take
     3: assume anew; "resume a title"; "resume an office"; "resume
        one's duties"
     4: give a summary (of); "he summed up his results"; "I will now
        summarize" [syn: sum up, summarize, summarise]

     v 1: continue a certain state, condition, or activity; "Keep on
          working!"; "We continued to work into the night"; "Keep
          smiling"; "We went on working until well past midnight"
          [syn: go on, proceed, go along, keep] [ant: discontinue]
     2: continue with one's activities; "I know it's hard," he
        continued, "but there is no choice"; "carry on--pretend we
        are not in the room" [syn: go on, carry on, proceed]
     3: keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or
        last; "preserve the peace in the family"; "continue the
        family tradition"; "Carry on the old traditions" [syn: uphold,
         carry on, bear on, preserve] [ant: discontinue]
     4: move ahead; travel onward in time or space; "We proceeded
        towards Washington"; "She continued in the direction of
        the hills"; "We are moving ahead in time now" [syn: proceed,
         go forward]
     5: allow to remain in a place or position; "We cannot continue
        several servants any longer"; "She retains a lawyer"; "The
        family's fortune waned and they could not keep their
        household staff"; "Our grant has run out and we cannot
        keep you on"; "We kept the work going as long as we could"
        [syn: retain, keep, keep on, keep going]
     6: carry forward; "We continued our research into the cause of
        the illness" [syn: persist in]
     7: continue after an interruption; "The demonstration continued
        after a break for lunch"
     8: continue in a place, position, or situation; "After
        graduation, she stayed on in Cambridge as a student
        adviser"; "Stay with me, please"; "despite student
        protests, he remained Dean for another year"; "She
        continued as deputy mayor for another year" [syn: stay,
        stay on, remain]
     9: exist over a prolonged period of time; "The bad weather
        continued for two more weeks"

I després de llegir tot això, la veritat que em sembla que no entenc per què a 
alguns llocs fan servir "continue" i a uns altres "resume", per tant em 
semblen sinònims, per tant proposo traduir "resume" per "continua".

Que us sembla?

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