[Kde-hardware-devel] GSoC '13

Lamarque V. Souza lamarque at kde.org
Tue Apr 9 15:40:49 UTC 2013

Em Sunday 07 April 2013, Anant Kamath escreveu:
> Hi,

> I completed SoC with KDE last year, where I created a API which added the
> S.M.A.R.T. health monitoring capibilities for solid, a GUI tool for the
> same, in addition to other things (
> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/project/google/gsoc2012/anantk/22001 ).
> This year I was hoping to continue the work on the gui tool, adding more
> features and polishing it for release along with the solidsmart API
> In addition to that, I was hoping to work on the project involving sending
> SMS with Plasma NM.
> In short, as the ideas page states, to upgrade QtModemManager to use the
> SMS sending/receiving features of modemmamanger, and then creating a
> Telepathy based layer over that would allow managing phone contacts and
> sending messages to them; and to create unit tests for QtModemManager.
> Please tell me what you think.

	For the SMS part I think it is great you are interested in implement it 
:-) (I am the author of that idea and the ModemManager backend used in Solid). 
Can you write a proposal based on the information I wrote in the ideas page 
(including the links)? For the Telepathy part we will need a co-mentor. I am 
not familiar with Telepathy code yet. We need to talk to someone from the 
telepathy group (davidedmundson at kde.org, daniele.domenichelli at gmail.com, 
mklapetek at kde.org, kiagiadakis.george at gmail.com). Can you contact them and ask 
what they think about this idea?

Lamarque V. Souza
KDE's Network Management maintainer
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