[Kde-hardware-devel] Renaming Oxygen's devices/ icons

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Sat Jun 16 22:27:34 CEST 2007

Le samedi 16 juin 2007, Jakob Petsovits a écrit :
> Thus, let's take this thing to the artists mailing list (kde-hardware-devel
> is CC'd so that Kévin can take part)


> and try to get the icon names in line 
> with the spec. With the support of Aaron and Kévin, who graciously provide
> their source code updating skills, it should merely be a question of
> coordinating efforts.

Let's hope so. :-)

> I did a renaming proposal for devices/ (other categories to follow at
> aKademy or sooner), find it attached in text file form.

Nice, that you begun with devices/, of course I highly needed... and 
apparently sooner than I expected.

> So, there's two questions:
> (a) Are the proposed name changes ok for you? Can they be improved?
>     If so, How?

Ok, small modifications I propose over your version:
 dvd-unmount             -> media-optical-video-dvd
 ipod-unmount            -> multimedia-player-ipod
 memory-stick-unmount    -> media-flash-memory-stick
 usbpendrive-unmount     -> drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive

And that means we lack proper fallback versions for multimedia-player, 
media-flash and media-optical-video.

1) multimedia-player
I think we should really have something neutral for this one, unlike the ipod 
one we have currently... So that means 'yet another icon' sorry guys.

2) media-flash
We have no fallback for this one, but I'm not sure if it's really needed, the 
icons we have cover all the possible cases currently... So for now I'd live 
without the fallback here. But putting a branded memory stick as fallback 
looks wrong to me.

3) media-optical-video
In any case, we'll need a generic icon like the one we have for 
media-optical-audio. Then the question is, do we want the dvd, hddvd, blueray 
ones? (that would mean four icons in total for the media-optical-video 
namespace: media-optical-video-dvd, media-optical-video-hddvd, 
media-optical-video-blueray and media-optical-video itself)

Other than that I think I agree with your whole proposal. Very good job, and 
I'm very thankful that I didn't have to do it myself (as I was about to do). 
In case I'd notice something later I'll be sure to shoot and insult the 
culprits (not necessarily in that order) as appropriate. :-)

>     ...and once there's a consensus on these questions: 
> (b) What needs to be done for renaming all of the mentioned icons?
>     Who will do what?

Well, I tend to think I should stay out of the renaming of the icon 
themselves, since I prefer to let the people actually making the icons to 
manage the renaming how they prefer it. But for sure, I'll adjust the code 
which use those icons (granted that with solid around the corner, media:/ and 
system:/ going away this code is probably minimum right now).

Kévin 'ervin' Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net
"Ni le maître sans disciple, Ni le disciple sans maître,
Ne font reculer l'ignorance."
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