[Kde-hardware-devel] Renaming Oxygen's devices/ icons

Jakob Petsovits jpetso at gmx.at
Sat Jun 16 23:36:45 CEST 2007

On Saturday, 16. June 2007, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> Ok, small modifications I propose over your version:
>  dvd-unmount             -> media-optical-video-dvd

I agree that a generic video icon would be preferable, but i case we get one 
we should not have "video" as part of the DVD icon's name.
Use case: all DVD/HD-DVD/Bluray discs containing regular data only.

Following this approach, we would always have to display the 
media-optical-video icon also if a generic DVD icon exists, but I think that 
makes sense. A specific DVD video icon (which would be optional, of course) 
would then combine the characteristics of the DVD and media-optical-video 
icons, and would consequently be named media-optical-video-dvd.

>  ipod-unmount            -> multimedia-player-ipod
>  memory-stick-unmount    -> media-flash-memory-stick


>  usbpendrive-unmount     -> drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive

Maybe not. I mean, this is hard - a USB pendrive can arguably be classified 
as "flash drive" (also, the Wikipedia article is called "USB flash drive") 
but of course, it's a removable drive like an external hard disk.

Our friends at GNOME tend to favor media-flash-usb-*, as can be seen at 
If we are to go the drive-removable-media way, we need to talk this over with 
the GNOME artists, including dobey.

> And that means we lack proper fallback versions for multimedia-player,
> media-flash and media-optical-video.
> 1) multimedia-player
> I think we should really have something neutral for this one, unlike the
> ipod one we have currently... So that means 'yet another icon' sorry guys.
> 2) media-flash
> We have no fallback for this one, but I'm not sure if it's really needed,
> the icons we have cover all the possible cases currently... So for now I'd
> live without the fallback here. But putting a branded memory stick as
> fallback looks wrong to me.

For convenience, I'll attach the multimedia-player and media-flash icons from 
Tango and GNOME as examples how it *could* be done. Although I specifically 
dislike Tango's original media-flash.

Nevertheless, we should really have a fallback media-flash icon. If nothing 
else, let's just remove the branding from one of the existing icons and let 
it be the fallback. Also, it's specified in the spec, and I'd really prefer 
having all of the icons mentioned there.

> 3) media-optical-video
> In any case, we'll need a generic icon like the one we have for
> media-optical-audio. Then the question is, do we want the dvd, hddvd,
> blueray ones? (that would mean four icons in total for the
> media-optical-video namespace: media-optical-video-dvd,
> media-optical-video-hddvd,
> media-optical-video-blueray and media-optical-video itself)

In line with my reasoning from above, that would rather be
- media-optical-video
- media-optical-dvd, media-optical-hddvd, media-optical-bluray
- media-optical-video-dvd, media-optical-video-hddvd,

In theory, all of those are optional, none of them is currently specified.
As mentioned in my proposal, I consider media-optical-video to belong there, 
while the others should stay out of the spec. In any case, mind that Bluray 
is spelled without the "e". (I don't know about camel casing it or not.)

> Other than that I think I agree with your whole proposal. Very good job,
> and I'm very thankful that I didn't have to do it myself (as I was about to
> do). In case I'd notice something later I'll be sure to shoot and insult
> the culprits (not necessarily in that order) as appropriate. :-)
> >     ...and once there's a consensus on these questions:
> > (b) What needs to be done for renaming all of the mentioned icons?
> >     Who will do what?
> Well, I tend to think I should stay out of the renaming of the icon
> themselves, since I prefer to let the people actually making the icons to
> manage the renaming how they prefer it. But for sure, I'll adjust the code
> which use those icons (granted that with solid around the corner, media:/
> and system:/ going away this code is probably minimum right now).


The updated version (incorporating your suggestions as I find them 
appropriate) is attached.

Given that there's David volunteering for the icons themselves, and Kévin for 
adapting the code, the only thing that's left is:

- Final approval of the updated proposal by Kévin and David, and
- Knowing when to start.

Great responses so far, thanks for your involvement!
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jpetso's icon naming suggestions for devices/


 Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the icon naming spec.

 *-mount                 -> svn rm, right now. See below (*) for explanation.
 3floppy-unmount         -> media-floppy
 audio-headset           OK **
 audio-input-line        OK **
 audio-input-microphone  OK
 camera-unmount          -> camera-photo
 cdaudio-unmount         -> media-optical-audio **
 cdwriter-unmount        -> media-optical-recordable **
 cellular-phone-unmount  -> phone
 cpu                     ??
 drive-optical           -> media-optical
 dvd-unmount             -> media-optical-dvd ***
 hdd-external-unmount    -> drive-removable-media
 hdd-unmount             -> drive-harddisk
 hdd-usb-unmount         -> drive-removable-media-usb ***
 ipod-unmount            -> multimedia-player-ipod
 joystick                -> input-gaming
 keyboard                -> input-keyboard
 laptop                  -> computer-laptop **
 memory-stick-unmount    -> media-flash-memory-stick ***
 mouse                   -> input-mouse
 nfs-unmount             -> drive-remote **
 printer                 OK
 projector               -> video-projector **
 scanner                 OK
 screen                  -> video-display
 sd-mmc-unmount          -> media-flash-sd-mmc ***
 smart-media-unmount     -> media-flash-smart-media ***
 system                  -> computer
 tablet                  -> input-tablet
 usbpendrive-unmount     -> media-flash-usb **
 video-television        OK **
 webcam                  -> camera-web

 * The specification's way of doing *-mounted icons would be mount emblems,
   overlaying the standard ones. Kévin and Aaron claim to have a solution
   at hand right now, so let's kill all *-mounted icons right now.
 ** suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
 *** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways, it's not really
     suited to be a standard icon

Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's devices/ (after renaming)
so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification.

   The icon used for the audio rendering device.

   The icon used for the system battery device.
   (Let's just move actions/battery.svg to devices/.)

   The fallback icon for video cameras

   The icon used for optical media drives such as CD and DVD.

   The fallback icon used for flash media, such as memory stick and SD.

   The icon used for generic physical tape media.

   The icon used for modem devices.

   The icon used for generic multimedia playing devices.

   The icon used for wired network connections.

   The icon used for wireless network connections.

   This is the fallback icon for Personal Digial Assistant devices. Primary use
   of this icon is for PDA devices connected to the PC. Connection medium is not
   an important aspect of the icon. The metaphor for this fallback icon should
   be a generic PDA device icon.

Icons that are not in the spec, AND not yet in Oxygen's devices/
(after renaming) but still should be added to both.

   The icon used for physical optical media such as CD and DVD containing
   video content.

Don't know what to do with...

   The specification does not contain any low-level processing units, such as
   CPUs or RAM. I can't think of an appropriate "category" name for those.
   The only word that I found which comes close was "internal-*"
   (internal-cpu, internal-memory, ...) but I'm not sure if this consistent
   with the rest of the device section in the spec and extensible enough.
   Input and better ideas appreciated.


 - As the current drive-optical is actually what should be media-optical,
   I'm not sure whether drive-optical should be a copy of that same CD icon or
   rather a drive with a CD in it (the Tango theme has the latter one).

   This is especially difficult as KDE currently displays the icon of the
   medium itself instead of a drive icon. If we go for drives instead of media
   then we need the same amount of drive icons as there are media icons, in
   order to provide a device icon for every possible medium. On the other hand,
   if we keep the media icons as drive representations, the spec'd drive icons
   are not being used as envisioned by the spec. I guess that would be the
   lesser evil though.

Summary of the suggested additions to the icon naming specification

 The ones marked with **, in a shorter list for a better overview. Including a
 suggested short description text like needed for inclusion in the spec. Sounds
 mostly fishy in order to be consistent with the spec's other descriptions.

   The icon used for handsfree headset devices that combine a pair of
   headphones or earphones with a microphone.

   The icon used for audio line input devices.

   The icon used for physical optical media such as CD and DVD containing
   audio content.

   The icon used for physical optical media such as CD and DVD containing
   video content.

   The icon used for recordable physical optical media, such as CD-R and DVD-R.

   The icon used for physical USB flash drive media.

   The icon used for a portable computing device as a whole.

   The icon used for a palm-sized computing device.

   The icon used for remotely accessed drives, such as NFS or WebDAV mounts.

   The icon used for a projector that video gets displayed to.

   The icon used for a television device, such as CRT or flat panel displays.

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