Finding a new troubleless name for KSokoban

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Wed Aug 31 23:12:25 BST 2022

Am Sonntag, 28. August 2022, 11:43:25 CEST schrieb Luciano Montanaro:
> Hi,
> Sokoban (倉庫番, soukoban really) means warehousekeeper, as you found.
> Souko (倉庫) means warehouse. Maybe shortening to KSoko would be enough?

Just referencing warehouse might also work, when we have the original in close 
context, Though losing the reference to "person doing shuffle work" might make 
it to unspecific. Could also be a bookkeeping game then, or a hide & search 

In German language "Soko" sadly with many people might first trigger another 
reference ,"Sonderkommission" (task force of the criminal investigation 
department at the police) thanks to TV series. So personally first have to 
overcome that :P but that should not be a blocker by itself.

But an idea to keep for reserve, I think.

> Otherwise, what about "Crates", with or without "K", or "Crates
> Puzzle"? Not very imaginative, but it describes the game well.

Might be an idea, though not catching up with me like e.g. "ball" would be for 
a tennis game. As the object here is not really the main challenge in the game 
or the main activity or object of interest, at least to how I perceive things 
when playing. Even more as KSokoban does have a gem in place of the crates, as 
part of its classic graohics, so would be a bit contra-imaginary.

Thanks for the proposals :)


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