Finding a new troubleless name for KSokoban

Mathias Kraus k.hias at
Mon Aug 29 18:35:24 BST 2022

Am Freitag, 26. August 2022, 13:30:23 CEST schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau:
> Nice idea :) Shuffling around would be a reference to the game logic, and 
> those knowing the original game name might detect the reference, so appeals to 
> me.

I didn't even think about the reference to the game logic. But you are right, it fits quite
well. I can even think of a startup animation moving the letters around.

 O O A
 O O A

> Could we even find a version which is a Japanese word that also has some 
> relation to the game? Myself have only some minimal knowledge about the 
> language, and mapping back from the English latin transcription to any of 
> possible Kanji characters and Katakana & Hiragana syllables/moras is a 
> challenge too big. Still gave it some first try (using and got at 
> least this:
> 離さん (kobo-san) could mean "Mr. Zero" (only know the san part for addressing, 
> does the name itself work?) and could be spun that either "zero" references 
> total failure because always blocking one-self or that it references all work 
> is done down to zero boxes left to push at their place. That ambivalence might 
> also offer identity both for people suffering to solve levels as well as those 
> just walking through it :)
> On a first quick search seems also the term "Kobosan" is not used in the 
> software domain, so no conflicts there.

That's also what I noticed. It seems there not many hits so people looking for
help or information should easily find them without much noise due to a too
generic name.


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