Finding a new troubleless name for KSokoban

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Fri Aug 26 12:30:23 BST 2022

Am Donnerstag, 25. August 2022, 20:59:10 CEST schrieb Mathias Kraus:
> Saying that, here some proposals by just shuffling around the letters from
> sokoban
> - sabokon
> - sobokan
> - kobosan (technically it is not a prefix :D)

Nice idea :) Shuffling around would be a reference to the game logic, and 
those knowing the original game name might detect the reference, so appeals to 

Could we even find a version which is a Japanese word that also has some 
relation to the game? Myself have only some minimal knowledge about the 
language, and mapping back from the English latin transcription to any of 
possible Kanji characters and Katakana & Hiragana syllables/moras is a 
challenge too big. Still gave it some first try (using and got at 
least this:
離さん (kobo-san) could mean "Mr. Zero" (only know the san part for addressing, 
does the name itself work?) and could be spun that either "zero" references 
total failure because always blocking one-self or that it references all work 
is done down to zero boxes left to push at their place. That ambivalence might 
also offer identity both for people suffering to solve levels as well as those 
just walking through it :)

On a first quick search seems also the term "Kobosan" is not used in the 
software domain, so no conflicts there.

Any Japanese speakers around here who could comment on this option?

Right now myself might have a new favourite here :)


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