[Kde-games-devel] Status of 'libkdegamesprivate:KGameThemeSelector'

Anuj Pahuja kamikazeanuj at gmail.com
Tue May 27 16:41:16 UTC 2014

Hi Ian,

The stuff in libkdegamesprivate is supposed to be deprecated, but it looks
> as though
> there are still a few uses of KGameThemeSelector, even from kdeedu …  See:
>     http://lxr.kde.org/ident?_i=KGameThemeSelector&_remember=1
> There are Kapman, KBlocks, Kigo, KSnakeDuel (aka KTron) and KSudoku.

I would say those games should be ported to use KgTheme, a nicer-looking
> dialog
> than the "Settings" dialog used by KGameThemeSelector.

I was thinking the same. The games would eventually have to ported to KF5
when compiling with (KF5 ported) libkdegames. KgTheme and KgThemeSelector
can then be used over deprecated methods and there won't be any need for

> It is not too hard to do that
> port, but who is going to do it?  Also, it may lead to a need to port all
> those games'
> graphics to KgTheme, etc. which is a much bigger kettle of fish.

I am currently working on porting libkdegames and 3 games to test the
library. I'd be happy to do the port after my project completes

> See also, http://lxr.kde.org/ident?_i=KgThemeSelector&_remember=1
> for games that use KgTheme.  Handy website that http://lxr.kde.org … :-)

Ya, very handy indeed :)

So, can I leave KGameThemeSelector in libkdegamesprivate for now? As
porting it would be of no use as KF5 games won't be using the
KGameThemeSelector class.

> Cheers, Ian W.

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