[Kde-games-devel] What is happening to dialogs in Frameworks?

Ian Wadham iandw.au at gmail.com
Tue May 13 09:27:41 UTC 2014

On 13/05/2014, at 6:36 PM, Kevin Krammer wrote:

> Hi Ian,
> On Tuesday, 2014-05-13, 16:51:00, Ian Wadham wrote:
>> In particular, I am thinking of standard KDialogs.  I see that KDialog
>> itself is deprecated in favor of QDialog.  OK, but what about higher
>> level KDE dialogs, such as, but not limited to:
>>    - KFileDialog
>>    - KConfigDialog
>>    - KColorDialog
>> ?
>> Is there some summary of what is being taken up by Qt 5 and what
>> is being re-implemented in Frameworks?
> There is a porting helper framework, I think called something like 
> kde4support, that contains the classes that are no longer part of any 
> framework but should be replaced with Qt classes.
> E.g. it should contain KFileDialog which is succeeded by QFileDialog.
> KConfigDialog is still an undeprecated class, it can be found in the 
> kconfigwidgets framework.
> I guess the porting page on the Wiki will grow as application developer find 
> new things they were missing and found through research or asking.

Thanks, Kevin.  I wonder if someone could provide an inverted index
where each class is pointing to the framework where it has gone or the
class that replaces it.  Maybe that would help people who are trying to
port their code.

Cheers, Ian W.

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