[Kde-games-devel] Stop maintaining KMahjongg

Christian Krippendorf Coding at christian-krippendorf.de
Tue Jan 8 22:12:36 UTC 2013

Hi guys,

just want to say, that i will stop being maintainer for kmahjongg. I'm in 
preparation for studying Chemical Engineering, so i need the time. For the 
next three years.

I will keep all accounts and email addresses for maybe solving some bugs on 
any kde project, when i got a little bit of time.

I will remove my name and my email address from the maintainer page. Please 
give me a name or email address i could place there. (Maybe: Wolfgang 
Rohdewald? :-P)

Anyone is still welcome, if there are any questions about the kmahjongg code. 
Especially for the qgraphics branch, which is actually not ready for merging 
to master, but very near to be ready. This branch is, as the name reflects, for 
porting kmahjongg to QGraphics.

Thank you to everyone for the experience and i hope my work had pushed kde a 
little bit.

Good Luck to all of you! And happy programming. :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Christian Krippendorf

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