[Kde-games-devel] gsoc 2013 :port kde game to qml

Pankaj Nathani croozeus at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 18 02:58:47 UTC 2013

> We had two mentors and one co-mentor on KDE Games last year.

> I was one of the mentors, but I will not be doing it again this year, firstly
> because my time zone (Australia) limits communication with students
> and secondly because it is "Winter of Code" in Australia and I got sick
> right in the middle of GSoC.

> We have not heard from our other mentor in quite a while.  He mentored
> Viranch Mehta, who successfully concluded a QML project on KBreakout,
> and is now our resident QML expert.

I've always been here Ian :) 

I may also not have the time to mentor this time due to other commitments. If I do get the time, I would be considering participating as a student (since I'm with a University this year) in KDE or some other organization.

I think it's a good idea for Viranch to step up and mentor a similar project if he can spare the time. What do you think Viranch?

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