[Kde-games-devel] Move to git now?

Frederik Scharzer schwarzer at kde.org
Tue Jan 31 14:16:59 UTC 2012

Am Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012, 14:50:46 schrieb Stefan Majewsky:


> I remember that someone already had done svn2git rules for split
> repos (Frederik?).

Nope. I started writing libkdegames rules about one and a half years 
ago. But then Johannes Obermayr stepped up saying he had almost 
complete rules for split repos. So I stopped pursuing the issue.
unfortunately he did never commit his rules to the rules repo. Then 
the gods of rule writing - eean and PovAddict - wrote rules for kdeedu 
and it looked like a few weeks later, kdegames could be done. So I 
never resumed working on new rules.

Currently I do not have the time to do so either.

The last thing I saw was PovAddict writing rules for KTuberling.

I copied his rules back then an started modyfying them for KShisen, 
which worked quite nicely. But then other things came up and started 
eating my leisure time.

I think his rules are a very good starting point for every game.

Maybe we can send him cookies and beer so he is willing to continue 
his work? :)


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