[Kde-games-devel] kdegames / git

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Fri Aug 17 06:50:16 UTC 2012

Am Freitag, 17. August 2012, 13:41:31 schrieb Ian Wadham:
> I think what happened is that Paolo took the whole game offline and
> rewrote it for Qt 4 and KDE 4, then committed a "snapshot" of what he
> had done.  Strange things happened in history that might not happen
> nowadays, but I think we will have to live with this one.

clear so far. I just wondered why 
says two root commits (heads really is the wrong word) mean that
master branch is broken. Maybe two roots will give problems somewhere
but I cannot imagine which.

> P.S. How does that mysterious command work?  Why does it produce
> only one or two lines of output, each with only only one field, not two?

git log --format='%h %p' 

%h is the hash (the commit id) and %p is the parent has. So if a line
has only one value, it has no parent and is the root commit.

git help log 

really helps a lot. But it shows more than you will ever want to know.
I can really commend the book "Pro Git" by Scott Chacon" - it does not
explain every detail like git help does, and git development is still
heavy, but this book from 2009 can give you a very good understand
about how git works and how to make best use of it.

Of course I know you have no time to read that book ;)


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