[Kde-games-devel] kgoldrunner for git

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Tue Aug 14 08:25:10 UTC 2012

Am Dienstag, 14. August 2012, 17:43:18 schrieb Ian Wadham:
> I will have a look at it during the next few days.  And yes, anongit does work
> for me on a good day … :-)  I also tried to clone the KSokoban scratch using
> my own KDE account name (ianw), but could not find the right syntax …

I believe the account name does not matter for authorization.

git clone ssh://git@git.kde.org/scratch/wrohdewald/kgoldrunner

> > kgoldrunner is a bit special because playground has been used for rewriting
> > the game while trunk was still maintained, no other game has done that AFAIK
> I do not remember ever having KGoldrunner in playground.  When was that?

Dec 8/ Jan 9 between r902739 and r906601
first commit: "Add a new KGoldrunner Championship game called Curse of the Mummy ..."
merged to work/kgoldrunner as "First commit of new code. Compiles but does not work yet."

> OK.  I am mainly concerned that the final compare between git and SVN trunk will
> be byte-perfect.  Are we assured of that?  I was worried by something you said a
> day or two ago about the file game_CM.txt.  The encoding of game levels is very
> sensitive to unintentional changes --- even of a single byte.

this script now compares all branches 1.0 to 4.9 and master, and it finds no
more differences between svn and git in any game. At least one workbranch
was missing, your use of playground confused things, all other differences were
postprocessing bugs introduced by myself.
> Re the history, if the work of all the people who helped with KGr a few years back is
> faithfully recorded, I will be very happy.

when was that?
> > I will then push most other games except for 2 or 3 I am still working on.
> That word "push" has an "h for human" in it, but what does it really mean?  Are you
> going to switch most of KDE Games trunk over to git one night (or day, here in
> Australia)?  Will we get some notice?  Is there a plan?

I meant push to scratch/wrohdewald so everybody can easier test them.

Actually I was planning a separate mail about final migration.

So - somebody needs to open sysadmin requests. This can happen as soon as
we know who will do the final migration.

I will be away for vacation 2 weeks starting Sunday. I will read and answer
mails and certainly have time to do things but my responses might take a while.
I would be willing to do final migration after my vacation if nobody else does.


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