[Kde-games-devel] Animated sprites in KDE Games (was Granatier)

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 12 20:45:55 CEST 2009

> And don't forget KDiamonds, and KLines which too use animations quite a lot.

Definitely!  My apologies for missing those two. Kolour Lines
especially makes wondeful use of short but tactical animations that
makes it such a pleasure to play.  ^^b

> And yes, those two also require frame-by-frame work. But then isn't that the
> way classic animation goes in the real world? (I am aware of the *new*
> techniques, but I can't really call those Flash generated, poorly timed, and
> repetitive vectoresque atrocities - animation :) )
> Real artists don't use shortcuts :D :P

Hehe, well real producers probably would gave no choice but to use
shortcuts (due to time constraints), but definitely get what you mean.
 I'm an old-school type animator myself, so for me it's hard to fathom
anything other than frame-by-frame animation.  I used to try tweening
before with Flash (eons ago), but it ironically seemd a bit
complicated besides which the results weren't what I expected.  Just
like with CG movies, it's something of a paradox that the more perfect
the animation, the less natural it looks.

> Um, I forgot to precise that the KsirK animations are based on QGraphicsView
> and I never had too much performance problems.

That is good to know.  I would probably want to check both libraries
anyway.  The succes with QGraphicsview in Ksirk may be due to the way
its written, or perhaps with the use of fewer frames.

Speaking of Ksirk, is there an icon for the Ksirk Skin Editor?  My
distribution doesn't display one at all.  :(

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