[Kde-games-devel] Kolf Art?

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 20:09:26 CEST 2009

> Hoo, these all also need a 3d representation, that takes time... ;-)

hehe, well I've always wanted to try out Blender.  I've tried it
before, but 2D work on Inkscape always distracts me from it, so I
never get far in the tutorials.  ^^;

Maybe this can be a good kickstart into the world of 3D....   ^___^b

> Thanks for this, but we need to figure out how we are going to do this
> nicely for 3D. You already get Level of Detail with mip-mapping...

Well this is where knowing about 3D would come in handy for me. ^^'

I would have to see how this layered "upscaling" of the textures works
on an actual 3D course in order to see whether it will benefit from
it, or would look better with a single texture as it is now.  My guess
is that the single texture is better if the course is intended to be
rotated throughout various angles -- otherwise, if the camera is in a
fixed position, perhaps it will look good.

There's also the matter of whether the engine couldn't just upscale or
downscale (or to put it simply, "zoom") the textures by itself.

For example (and still on the 2D map), there would still be a single
grass texture of 256x256, but the course builder can change the DPI
setting of that texture within different levels.  Textures on higher
elevations would be at the standard 90 DPI, whereas textures near the
bottom could be altered to be more like 150 dpi.  And then at the end
of the day, how will this translate on the 3D view?

> I believe that is definitely the plan ;-). nice that we use UNIX
> commands for the encoding though, that means a designer that works on
> Windows needs cygwin extra ;-).

I think I should LOL at this.... ^^

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