[Kde-games-devel] Kolf Art?

Stefan Majewsky majewsky at gmx.net
Wed Sep 2 21:58:16 CEST 2009

Am Mittwoch 02 September 2009 16:18:50 schrieb Arturo Silva:
> At the moment there are only 3 test environment courses, the latter two of
> which seem to have no collission detection.

Collision is something that causes funny bugs at the moment. Normally, each 
course should have a terrain, but a terrain (as in the "Terrain test" course) 
actually causes funny collision bugs. To work around this, the other courses 
have no terrain, and gravity is disabled. With this setting, at least the "1st 
test" works. (AFAIK the "3D test" is just for testing presentational things, 
and not intended to work.)

Zeng, have you looked into the collision issues with the terrain?

> Before I begin making textures, though, I noticed that all the sample
> bitmaps used seem to be intended to be photorealistic terrain.  Is that
>  what you want or are those simply the only textures you had available?
> SVG graphics are capable of those kind of photorealistic textures (albeit
>  at a processing cost), but they are better suited to more airy and
>  whimsical graphics similar to those found in the other KDE games.

I want you as an artworker to develop a style. ;-) The current textures are 
just examples for us to test the algorithms. By the way: Please keep in mind 
that we need repeating textures.

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