[Kde-games-devel] granatier

Mathias Kraus k.hias at gmx.de
Sat Oct 10 19:54:50 CEST 2009

Arturo Silva schrieb am Freitag 09 Oktober 2009:
> =====================================================
> Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> =====================================================
> > Argh, that gives me another idea. Not sure if this should be a 'bad
> > bonus' or just an all-the-time thing, but have you thought at all about
> > 'dud' bombs? Basically they fail to explode on their own and become
> > impassible (but you can kick them). They blow up if another explosion
> > touches them.
> Hmmm, sounds a bit tricky to code, but it could certainly act like a
> "Restrain" affect (but you wouldn't necessarily be as helpless).  ^^

dud bombs. at first I thought to make regular boms with a certain possibility 
a dud bomb, but think of the following start situation.
█ █ █ █
█ ▒ ☺ █
▒ ☢   █
█ █ █ █
▒ block
█ wall
if the bomb would become a dud bomb the player would be screwed.
so there are two possibilities. make it a bad bonus, where the player lays 
only dud bombs or activate the possibility for dud bombs only after the player 
layd 5 bombs or so. I tend to the latter.

> > And... ooh, this is evil, what about walls that contain bombs that go
> > off when you blow the wall? Maybe that /would/ be too evil, at least if
> > you don't mark them. I can see a player doing this:
> >
> > █☺█
> > ☢▒
> > █ █
> >
> > ...and not knowing that the block (▒) has a bomb inside... Ouch.

yes, I think this would be problematic. look at my example with the dud bomb. 
the player wouldn't have any chance.
a possibity for the start problem would be, that the map creator defines a 
safe area where no hidden bombs can appear.
maybe the bombs shouldn't explode immediatelly, but after a short amount of 
time so the player can get in saftey.

> fufu, well I'm kinda hoping the arena_mine could serve this purpose.
> Actually, we still have to figure out how arena_mine will work.  After
> all, it's hard to fall for a mine if you can clearly see it -- I
> wonder if it should be able to initially hide under walls and such.

there's also the following problem
█ █ █ █
█ █ ☺ █
▒ ☢   █
█ █ █ █
if theres a mine under the block the player can't escape.
a solution would be if the creator of the map decides where mines can be 
placed or where they can't, e.g. a safe area.
but I think another solution will solve both problems. imagine if the mine 
isn't always active, but only for maybe 2 seconds, then inactive, active ...
the color of the skull could indicate the status of the mine. 
so if a player has time to wait, it shouldn't be a problem to move without 
harm over the mine. if there's no time because there is a bomb beside him 
which would explode and kill him and the mine is inactive at that moment, the 
player has the chance to escape or get killed if the mine gets activated while 
moving over it.

> > The new ice is... amazing. Wow :-).

yeah, looks great

> O-tay!  ^^
> > The mortar... well, it's also amazing, but it doesn't look like a tile
> >
> > :-). Maybe it works in practice, but I'm not sure about the non-top-down
> >
> > perspective. (It would make a fabulous bonus, though...) Though I'm also
> > wondering how much it should look like something you could walk over.
> Yes, my first attention was to create a top-down mortar -- however the
> angled view made it a little more recognizable as one.  ^^
> Still, I can also quickly draft up a top-down version so you two can
> decide.  My Plan B is to use the current mortar for the "bonus_throw"
> icon in the event it doesn't make the cut.  ^__^

I think it is more important to look like it is possible to move over it than 
to notice what it does. in the case a player wants to escape from a bomb, 
there might not be much time to think first if it is possible to move over it 
or not.
but the mortar would make a quite good throw bonus :)
btw, there are some parts of the mortar which are not grouped to the mortar. 
you can discover it when moving the mortar.
as a side not. the throw feature will work like this. a player presses the lay 
bomb key. if he has the throw bonus, a timer will be startet. if the player 
presses again the key within lets say 500 ms the bomb will be thrown away. the 
distance depends on the time the player is waiting, the longer he waits, the 
farther the bomb gets thrown.

 Arturo Silva schrieb am Freitag 09 Oktober 2009:
> Alrighty, time to unload the nightly goodies...
> http://pigux.com/kde4/storage/granatier/granatier_20091008.svgz
> http://pigux.com/kde4/storage/granatier/texture_cemetary.svg
> I'm happy to report that, thanks to my workaround, ALL graphics now
> display properly. ^.^

great :)
I did an upgrade from qt4.5 to qt4.6 and all the items that were missing with 
QSvgRenderer from 4.5 are painted with 4.6. it seems the trolls did their 
jobs. there's only one problem. the dashed lines from the wall aren't painted. 
it seems there is a problem if the lines are dashed and have a gradient. this 
time it seems only granatier is affected, because in gwenview it looks ok. I 
will have to further investigate this.
on the good side, the painting issues with the black artifact that appeared 
when moving seem to be gone ;)

> Also, bonus_power now has the dynamite icon, and bonus_range has been
> retired off to the cemetary.  Due to lack of time I couldn't complete
> more bonus icons beside this, but at least I started them somewhat.

the placeholders look quite good :)
the problem with the dynamite is, that it looks like a time bomb because of 
the clock and the burning fuse. how about removing the clock and the burning 
fuse or just one dynamite stick with the label TNT.

> > I am certainly muchly appreciating the artwork! Not just looking, but
> > it's great to have a talented artist around so we will have good art for
> > our games :-).
> lol, thank you.  ^^
> Happy to see some people think I'm talented -- I've traditionally
> gotten the reverse opinion from time to time.  ^^;

well, I can't believe this. your artwork is marvelous :)

> > btw. the bonuses are now also shown from the beginning. this will also
> > help you with your artwork. bonus_bad_drug is now bonus_bad_mirror,
> > bonus_range is bonus_power, bonus_move is bonus_kick and there's a new
> > one bonus_bad_scatty which will make the player to constantly lay bombs.
> haha, I like the "scatty" one, that was clever.  I think the dunce hat
> would look better for that bonus.  ^^
> Also, thanks for adding that feature, and for enabling the bad bonuses.

hmm, at first I was looking for the translation for dunce hat, then I was 
looking for some pictures how it looks like. the biggest problem with the 
dunce hat is, that everyone from your country will recognice it, but at least 
in germany it won't. on the other side, this could maybe also be said from 
other bonuses for other countries.

> Just to let you know, I won't be issuing any new artwork on Friday,
> but I will aim to finish all bonus icons over the weekend (including
> the ones not listed yet), even if it means adding draft sketches
> again. ^^


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