[Kde-games-devel] granatier

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 19:45:03 CEST 2009

Matthew Woehlke wrote:

> Argh, that gives me another idea. Not sure if this should be a 'bad
> bonus' or just an all-the-time thing, but have you thought at all about
> 'dud' bombs? Basically they fail to explode on their own and become
> impassible (but you can kick them). They blow up if another explosion
> touches them.

Hmmm, sounds a bit tricky to code, but it could certainly act like a
"Restrain" affect (but you wouldn't necessarily be as helpless).  ^^

> And... ooh, this is evil, what about walls that contain bombs that go
> off when you blow the wall? Maybe that /would/ be too evil, at least if
> you don't mark them. I can see a player doing this:
> █☺█
> ☢▒
> █ █
> ...and not knowing that the block (▒) has a bomb inside... Ouch.

fufu, well I'm kinda hoping the arena_mine could serve this purpose.
Actually, we still have to figure out how arena_mine will work.  After
all, it's hard to fall for a mine if you can clearly see it -- I
wonder if it should be able to initially hide under walls and such.

> The new ice is... amazing. Wow :-).

O-tay!  ^^

> The mortar... well, it's also amazing, but it doesn't look like a tile
> :-). Maybe it works in practice, but I'm not sure about the non-top-down
> perspective. (It would make a fabulous bonus, though...) Though I'm also
> wondering how much it should look like something you could walk over.

Yes, my first attention was to create a top-down mortar -- however the
angled view made it a little more recognizable as one.  ^^

Still, I can also quickly draft up a top-down version so you two can
decide.  My Plan B is to use the current mortar for the "bonus_throw"
icon in the event it doesn't make the cut.  ^__^


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