[Kde-games-devel] granatier

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 02:49:59 CEST 2009

Hello all,

I'm happy to report that all outstanding bonus icons have been
completed!  This includes all the proposed additions, such as
bonus_shield, bonus_mason, and bonus_bad_drunk.  I also added a
bonus_neutral category for bonuses that can go either which way
(highlighted in yellow), although it stands to reason that a few itger
good and bad bonuses can probably be slotted to this category....


Unfortunately, I completed this after I realized that Granatier was
finally placed into the review section, so this may not include
anything new that has been added to the latest build.  [Speaking of
which, I may need to ask for instructions on how to build the latest
Granatier later... ^^' ]

If there are additions to be made, please let me know.  Otherwise,
after I've reviewed the documentation, I think I'll take a small break
in order to take that long-overdue peek at Palapeli.  :D

Mathias Kraus wrote:

> dud bombs. at first I thought to make regular boms with a certain possibility
> a dud bomb, but think of the following start situation.
> █ █ █ █
> █ ▒ ☺ █
> ▒ ☢   █
> █ █ █ █
> ▒ block
> █ wall
> if the bomb would become a dud bomb the player would be screwed.
> so there are two possibilities. make it a bad bonus, where the player lays
> only dud bombs or activate the possibility for dud bombs only after the player
> layd 5 bombs or so. I tend to the latter.

I'd also favor the latter version of that bad_bonus as well.  However,
I'm not 100% on board with the dud option -- there's a few other
bonuses that I think deserve priority.  ^^

> but I think another solution will solve both problems. imagine if the mine
> isn't always active, but only for maybe 2 seconds, then inactive, active ...
> the color of the skull could indicate the status of the mine.
> so if a player has time to wait, it shouldn't be a problem to move without
> harm over the mine. if there's no time because there is a bomb beside him
> which would explode and kill him and the mine is inactive at that moment, the
> player has the chance to escape or get killed if the mine gets activated while
> moving over it.

hehe, actually I think that's the behavior of the mines in Wormux --
even if you pass over one, it's still possible to walk/jump out of the
way before the mine finishes beeping 3 times and then explodes.  it
actually works very ell.

To highten the suspense, perhaps the mine (when walked over and
activated) explodes with the equivalent of a 3-tile range).  That way,
any player operating at normal or snail-slow speeds wouldn't dare to
even try to cross it, but faster players can try such a reckless
thing.  :D

> I think it is more important to look like it is possible to move over it than
> to notice what it does. in the case a player wants to escape from a bomb,
> there might not be much time to think first if it is possible to move over it
> or not.
> but the mortar would make a quite good throw bonus :)

Okay, the previous mortaer is now officially the bonus_throw icon.  ^^b

I did draw a replacement arena_mortar which uses a top-down view and
sandbags.  However, I'm not terribly happy with it, but maybe you two
will think otherwise?  :)

> as a side not. the throw feature will work like this. a player presses the lay
> bomb key. if he has the throw bonus, a timer will be startet. if the player
> presses again the key within lets say 500 ms the bomb will be thrown away. the
> distance depends on the time the player is waiting, the longer he waits, the
> farther the bomb gets thrown.

Yep, that sounds like fun.  :D

> great :)
> I did an upgrade from qt4.5 to qt4.6 and all the items that were missing with
> QSvgRenderer from 4.5 are painted with 4.6. it seems the trolls did their
> jobs. there's only one problem. the dashed lines from the wall aren't painted.
> it seems there is a problem if the lines are dashed and have a gradient. this
> time it seems only granatier is affected, because in gwenview it looks ok. I
> will have to further investigate this.
> on the good side, the painting issues with the black artifact that appeared
> when moving seem to be gone ;)

hehe,... well i think that's almost good news.... ^^
Granted if no solution to the dashed lines is found, we can still
convert them to paths.  Or I can use two dashed line sets (one dark,
one light) to simulate the gradient effect without the gradient).

I guess I have to see the latest Granatier build now.  ^___^

> the placeholders look quite good :)
> the problem with the dynamite is, that it looks like a time bomb because of
> the clock and the burning fuse. how about removing the clock and the burning
> fuse or just one dynamite stick with the label TNT.

Fixed, I hope. ^^b

> well, I can't believe this. your artwork is marvelous :)

Well as I said before I used to be and still am primarily an Anime
artist.  My old not-quite-community was a bit more demanding of
perfection and also a lot less courteous or useful.  Fortunately I had
sense enough to not stay there for too long, and left to be a
freelancer of sorts (although at the cost of not getting as much

> thanks.
> hmm, at first I was looking for the translation for dunce hat, then I was
> looking for some pictures how it looks like. the biggest problem with the
> dunce hat is, that everyone from your country will recognice it, but at least
> in germany it won't. on the other side, this could maybe also be said from
> other bonuses for other countries.

I see, actually that would be a problem for many things.  But I did
compromise with bonus_bad_skatty by keeping the dunce hat, but adding
a little extra to drive the point across.  ^^

Okay, I'm off for now.  Hopefully you enjoy the new icons featured
(all 17 of them!).  ^___^

--Arturo "C-quel" Silva

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