[Kde-games-devel] KGamePopupItem stopped working

Stefan Majewsky majewsky at gmx.net
Wed Nov 25 18:24:53 CET 2009

Am Mittwoch, 25. November 2009 09:52:02 schrieb Dmitry Suzdalev:
> That sounds weird indeed. I'm not able to reproduce any of these
> effects here, and I must say it's rather difficult to debug such
> things in theory :)
> Firstly I suggest you to try to reproduce things using a
> kgamepopupitemtest that I wrote while developing kgamepopupitem.
> [...]

Thanks for your hints. I'm currently installing the 4.3.77 packages, hopefully 
the issue is fixed in there. In any case, I'll prepare a set of patches for 
KGamePopupItem to:
* use QGraphicsPathItem instead of home-grown painting code
* use the opacity parameters introduced with Qt 4.5
* use QPropertyAnimation instead of timeline animations
* introduce a getter and setter for a "primary view" (to allow the game 
developer to specify which viewport rect is used, for cases when the black 
magic that KGPI does internally does not work)

If some of these changes solve my problems, I'll commit them to trunk this 
evening (if this is okay for you). The rest will go to ReviewBoard in the 4.5 

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