[Kde-games-devel] KGamePopupItem stopped working

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuzkde at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 09:52:02 CET 2009

Hi Stefan!

2009/11/25 Stefan Majewsky <majewsky at gmx.net>:
> It gets even worse. I don't know what KGamePopupItem does, but using it (with
> Qt 4.6 and libkdegames 4.4) totally breaks my own timer management. My game
> engine (implemented in Board::timerEvent, where Board is the QGraphicsScene of
> KDiamond) stops executing any jobs, and any running animators (which
> effectively are QTimeLine instances) stop running.

That sounds weird indeed. I'm not able to reproduce any of these
effects here, and I must say it's rather difficult to debug such
things in theory :)
Firstly I suggest you to try to reproduce things using a
kgamepopupitemtest that I wrote while developing kgamepopupitem.

For that you'll need:
1. Uncomment it in libkdegames/tests/CMakeLists.txt (not sure who
commented it and why, need to svn blame :))
2. cd libkdegames/tests && make (to re-run cmake) && make
kgamepopupitemtest (need explicit target if -DKDE_BUILD_TESTS is off)
3. cd to builddir/libkdegames/tests && ./kgamepopupitemtest
4. Try to reproduce your issue in this app.

If the bug is still there, please tell me.
Also I'd encourage you to dive in KGamePopupItem sources and try to
find out what happens there on your system. At least briefly - few
kDebugs here and there probably will reveal the whole picture :)

It shouldn't be too hard really, in fact it's rather simple class.
And you know QGV, so I think understanding this class won't be
something complex for you :)


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