[Kde-games-devel] New AI for bovo

Parker Coates parker.coates at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 16:34:46 CET 2009

2009/3/18 Pelladi Gabor:
> I have corrected the patch, I think. The changes in the non-existent file
> aiaron.h (and probably the entire aron subdirectory) must have something to
> do with that I used svn copy, to keep history. I assume that this is
> something that svn diff cannot handle. So for now I added them as new files.
> The executable thing was my mistake, at the time I svn add-ed the file, it
> was executable. And removing the executable bit on the file system did not
> remove the svn:executable property, of course.
> Thank you for pointing out these issues.

I feel like Mr. Picky, as I have still more issues to point out.

First off, could you please stop top posting you replies. On mailing
lists such as this, it is customary to place your replies below the
text of the email you are replying to as it increases readability.

I think we need to discuss the text used in the UI. Obviously the
current label "ai" is not very pretty or user friendly. I'm not sure
that "Artificial Intelligence" is much clearer either. Similiarly, the
options "Aron" and "Gabor" don't really reveal a great deal to the
user either, but I don't have better suggestions.

Albert, you were the one who requested an option to switch between the
AIs. What exactly were you envisioning?


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