[Kde-games-devel] To use kgame or not to use kgame
Wolfgang Rohdewald
wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Fri Jul 17 11:39:31 CEST 2009
On Friday 17 July 2009, Josef Spillner wrote:
> Am Freitag, 17. Juli 2009 09:43:34 schrieb Wolfgang Rohdewald:
> > I did not yet study the ggz documentation, so this might be a stupid
> > question, but what additional value does kggz have over the pure ggz API?
> > Is that documented somewhere? I would guess that kggz contains a GUI based
> > on KDE, what else?
> Here's some background information in the specific case of kggz and ggz-
> python:
Wow, that is a lot of very useful information. This should certainly help
me for deciding what to do. However it might take some time until I really
get there. I am currently finishing version 0.3 with complete scoring by
updating the manual (I hate writing manuals...), next I want to add a mode
"playing against computer" with a very stupid computer for the beginning,
and then try to integrate ggz for network playing (x persons, y computer
players, x+y=4)
> If you also want to write a game server, ... I'd say it's easire and
> more "Pythonic" to just use pyggzdmod.
sounds reasonable. But that is far in the future yet. Peer to peer first,
I think. I even dont yet know if I can write a good _and_ fast computer
player in python, maybe I have to fall back to C/C++ at least for parts
of it.
> If you want basic networking support as fast as possible, I would indeed
> recommend to use the existing ggz-python libraries right now with the option
> to switch to some sort of "pykggz" later without risking a restructuring of
> your application, as both libraries are centred on asynchronous callbacks.
> There's a python-ggz package available for Debian/Ubuntu. It is however
> missing from several other distribution despite having been released a
> gazillion months ago. Bug your distributor to get it in in this case.
> I could help by creating a PyQt mainloop integration layer similar to the one
> for Pygame. Does that sound good enough? Do kmj/libkmahjongg use threads?
Well - I know nothing about Pygame. I will get back to you when I am running
into trouble. kmj uses no threads, and the only part of libkmahjongg it uses
are the tileset and background files, no code dependencies.
For your other hints - I will certainly use them when I get there.
Today I really just wanted to make sure you kggz people know that
there are KDE python games in the pipeline wanting to use ggz - mission
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