[Kde-games-devel] To use kgame or not to use kgame

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Fri Jul 17 20:31:33 CEST 2009

> At GCDS it was strongly recommended to make better use of developer sprint
> funding this year. My opinion is that we should take on this offer and come up
> with a place and time to meet. There has never been a kdegames code sprint
> before. Some top priority items could be selected and people then work on them
> for a weekend or so without further distraction [2]. Most of the benefits will
> clearly apply to integration topics where it is essential to have various
> people together, not so much on individual game/library optimisations or
> improvements.

I would try to attend one, but for me the end of the year would be
better. The problem with kdegames sprint is that we are spread
geographically, so agreeing on a location could be difficult. Germany
or another place in Europe will probably be better, I think.
We could focus on topics that affect several games, from the top of my mind:

a) Art
b) Defaults
c) Networking
d) Sound

Mauricio Piacentini

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