[Kde-games-devel] missing category games/logic + inconsistencies

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Mon Oct 27 09:44:01 CET 2008

On Monday 27 October 2008 01:29:10 Ian Wadham wrote:
> There is also scope here for double or even triple categorization,
> since we have categories that overlap somewhat.  So then a game
> could be found on more than one menu, etc., making life easier
> for end-users.  Does K-Menu allow that?

The game just tells what it is, it's up to the menu to create categories and 
subcategories and display them as it wants. For example raptor will have more 
nested and more usable categories.

There's a freedesktop.org document which documents this behiavour. 
Unfortunately I don't have the link on this PC, I just remember that the page 
name is under the desktop file specifications and ends with '/apa.html'. 
Sorry for trying to make you become a sherlock holmes, but I don't have 
internet at the time of writing this and I can't google myself. =)

Pino also knows where it is (he pointed me to that place some time ago).

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