[Kde-games-devel] On KDE card decks...

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Oct 10 01:12:53 CEST 2008

Eugene Trounev wrote:
> Don't worry. I let Half replace Oxygen with his for testing purposes only. It 
> will be all reinstated once he's done with them. So by 4.2 you will have:
> Current "Oxygen" Half is working with -> rename to *New Name* and set default.
> Old Oxygen White -> restored as Oxygen White, and put on HNS
> Oxygen black -> renamed to Oxygen Black, and put on HNS
> The only two sets we will ship by default will be: Default set, and 
> Accessibility set.

Ok, but... for the record, I think Oxygen is the best theme we currently 
have :-). (After getting used to it, I tried Oxygen White once, and was 
immediately annoyed how hard it was to tell what suit a card is :-).)

Oh, and... some time I will have to submit my hack of Oxygen to make all 
suits different colors. It's nice for Simple Simon especially; you can 
tell without trying to read the card what other cards are the same suit 
(great for long stacks where the suit symbol isn't visible and you 
aren't sure if a run is all diamonds or has hearts mixed in... or 
/where/ it has hearts mixed in...). Probably similarly good for Spider 
(if you're playing on hard, anyway).

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