[Kde-games-devel] README.PACKAGERS

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Mon Nov 24 00:49:04 CET 2008

A Dilluns 24 Novembre 2008, Kleag va escriure:
> Hello,
> Updating before commiting a bug correction, I just see that the
> README.PACKAGERS files have been added to kdegames and I wonder when the
> list of games in each category have been decided ? Was it during a meeting
> I missed ? But I think this should be discussed here where everybody can
> argue (yes we don't want endless arguements, but...).
> While I can agree with MINIMAL (but why kdiamonds ? Is it so famous ?), I
> cannot with EXTENDED and EXTRA. I'll talk here only about games I'd like to
> see in EXTENDED and not EXTRA even if I personnaly don't like some of the
> games currently in EXTENDED or if I consider them not so important.
> First, ktuberling. It's a must-have. My children would be horrified by a
> distro without this game ! Little children LOVE this game.
> And now, my beloved KsirK. Yes, I agree it's not "very minimal", but I
> think it's enough "high quality" and have a "large user base". For the
> first point, I spent a lot of time to obtain such a quality and was help by
> quite a few people. And I continue, killing bugs as quickly as I can. And
> for the second point, see the numbers at kde-apps.org
> (http://kdeapps.org/index.php?xsortmode=down&page=0&xcontentmode=250x251x25
>2x253x254). And I don't think that it could be said as not "casual desktop
> game", because this term is too fuzzy to be a definition.
> So, what's your opinion ?

I remember we spoke about something similar at akademy, not sure if there was 
any followup in IRC or not.

Anyways my idea was INCLUDING more games not EXCLUDING them.

If there was not a recent discussion in IRC, Eugene, you have overstepped 

Also you are even contradicting yourself:

    These would be the games in extra gear which we consider to be useful 
additions to the distro.

NO game inside kdegames fits in this description because they are not in 
extragear but in kdegames.

If you don't know what extragear is, read about it.


> Best regards,
> Gaƫl

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