[Kde-games-devel] Killbots message extraction, missing itens?

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Sun Nov 23 00:59:44 CET 2008

Hi. I just did the pt_BR translation for Killbots, and noticed that one 
menu item (Teleport (Safely If Possible)) and the ones related to 
configuration of Shortcuts are not translated. I looked at the code and 
apparently the messages are not extracted because we need to 
explicitally add i18n() to the strings that are passed in the

void Killbots::MainWindow::setupActions()

An extract:

setupMappedAction( actionCollection(), "Teleport", 
"teleport",        Qt::Key_R,     Qt::Key_Minus, Teleport,       "roll"   );
	setupMappedAction( actionCollection(), "Teleport Safely", 
"teleport_safely", Qt::Key_T,     Qt::Key_Plus,  TeleportSafely, 
"games-solve"   );
	setupMappedAction( actionCollection(), "Teleport, Safely If Possible", 
"teleport_sip",    Qt::Key_Space, Qt::Key_0,     TeleportSafelyIfPossible );
	setupMappedAction( actionCollection(), "Wait Out Round", 
"wait",            Qt::Key_Y,     Qt::Key_Enter, WaitOutRound, 
"process-stop"    );

	// Keyboard Actions - these are shown in Configure Shortcuts but not in 
Configure Toolbars
	setupMappedAction( m_keyboardActions,  "Move Up and Left", 
"move_up_left",    Qt::Key_Q,     Qt::Key_7,     UpLeft                   );
	setupMappedAction( m_keyboardActions,  "Move Up", 
"move_up",         Qt::Key_W,     Qt::Key_8,     Up                       );

Some of these appear translated as the strings are the same as some in 
other areas of the app (Teleport, Wait Out Round). But others like 'Move 
Up and Left' are not picked.
I think it is a bug, right? Do we need to ask for exception to add these 
strings? I think we don't, but better be safe.

Mauricio Piacentini

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