[Kde-games-devel] New game Bommer

John-Paul Stanford jp at stanwood.org.uk
Sun Jul 6 21:15:42 CEST 2008


I've been working on a new game for the KDE desktop that I though people
might be interested in. The main idea was to develop a simple game that will
teach me about creating applications for KDE 4.x. I've not really written
anything since KDE 2. Qutie a bit has changed!

The idea of the game is that you fly a plane and have to drop bombs onto
buildings before you crash into them. Each time the plane flies off the side
of the play area, it reappears but lower down. After clearing a level you
are started on a new level with is more difficult.

All the game objects are all fully themeable, in fact I'm not much of a
artist so the current graphics are more of a place holder. The themes are
standard KDE Game themes using SVG files. I've also witten a docbook
documentation and added API docs to the game.

I'd be intrested to know what people think and if people find any bugs :-) I
think the game is mostly complete, though the graphics are a bit rough and
there is only a single sound sample at the moment.

A source tar ball of the game can be found here:
http://www.stanwood.exofire.net/jp/bomber-0.1.tar.gz . It's in SVN on my own
private server, but I'd like to host it and maintain it in the KDE Games src
tree if people are interested in that.

To build and install Bomber follow these steps:

 Download it

 type "cd Bomber"

type "cmake ."

type "make"

Now login in as root and type "make install"

type "bomber" to run it.



P.S. I'm not yet subscribe to the games mailing list, so reply to my
personal email address, though I'll monitor the mailing list archives.

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