[Kde-games-devel] kdegames maintainer list update

Eugene Trounev eugene.trounev at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 04:39:28 CET 2008

> Nice example diagram. Would it not be quite tricky to get the
> connectors to line of perfectly, especially with a complicated or
> detailed theme? I'm just picturing lots "of by a pixel" rendering
> issues that would be extra visible in this case. Is any other KDE game
> using this (or a similar) technique?
Yes - knetwalk does use the same technique. There shouldn't be any troubles 
cos we are using the base (the transparent bg of each sprite) or the same size 
for each element. As long as this simple rule is followed we will always have 
perfect alignment. (It does depend on artist's skills of course).

> Another issue would be combining the connectors with the animation.
> Would we animate the connectors too. That seems like a lot of sprites
> for artists to draw. If they weren't animated, we would have to take a
> lot of care that the static connectors didn't overlap with the
> animated pieces.
I assumed that we are talking about 2 different games. One uses rotation on 
hover, the other - connections. And even if it is the same game there is no 
problem. Remember - it doesn't have to be rotation, it could be some sort of 
other interactive movement, which doesn't require connectors to change at all.

> Anyway, there are lot's on interesting challenges to doing this in a
> both flexible and schnazzy way. I'm interested to see where this goes.
> When does trunk open up again? :D
> Parker
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