[Kde-games-devel] Sound in kdegames?

Stefan Majewsky majewsky at gmx.net
Sun Aug 17 17:54:55 CEST 2008

Am Sonntag 17 August 2008 17:05:50 schrieb Eugene Trounev:
> Ohne of the goals of this aKademy was to meet Phonon development team and
> to discuss the state of sound in KDE. For that reason me and Luciano have
> attended Phonon BoF session along with Amarok.
> The result was as follows:
> 1) the Phonon developer has announced that he is stepping down for personal
> reasons; meaning there will not be any active development for now;

Doesn't TT/N have an interest in further Phonon development?

> 2) we asked him directly about the features that we need from Phonon, and
> he replied that Phonon is not a multimedia architecture we need. It's just
> an abstraction layer between various multimedia architectures (XINE, Pulse
> Audio, etc.) and KDE apps. It can not do mixing, channel separation, or
> effects. He then recommended OpenAL as a possible solution.

Again, what is the position of TT/N in this point? From my point of view, it 
may perfectly be possible that they are interested in developing an own 
advanced audio API.

> So, there we have it folks :/ Either we forget about the sound in kdegames,
> or we will have to develop our own multimedia solution.

OpenAL is available on all of our target platforms, so it could become an 
optional dependency for the kdegames module. A C++ abstraction layer to the 
OpenAL API in libkdegames might be useful then.

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