[Kde-games-devel] My new insane idea :) (SLOGAN!)

Ian Wadham ianw2 at optusnet.com.au
Sat Sep 15 01:58:03 CEST 2007

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 01:15 am, Eugene Trounev wrote:
> the slogan you come up
> with MUST be in your OWN, native language!
en_AU is not my *native* language, but I've lived in Oz
most of my life, so here's a couple of ideas in Australian
English (both are often-used Oz sayings, we being a sporting
and a gambling nation).

KDE Games!  Give 'em a go, mate! / Kydeeyee Gimes!  Givemma gow, mite!
(the "o" is somewhere between "go" and "cow") / KDE Games!  Give them
a good try, friend!

KDE Games!  Yer gotta be in it ta win it! / Kydeeyee Gimes! Yagodda be innit
tawinnit! / KDE Games!  You have to play if you want to win! (Or perhaps, "You
cannot win if you do not play").

"Mate" is a difficult concept.  "Friend" does not really express it.  You can
use "mate" to speak in a friendly way to anyone you meet along life's way.

One dark night, not long after I arrived in Australia, I was driving through
the bush (countryside) when I ran out of petrol.  Luckily I had stopped right
next to a pub (drinking place) in a small settlement.  I went into the bar to
look for help and was treated with immediate suspicion.  Drinking after 6pm
was illegal in those days and my coat looked a bit like a detective's coat ...

After we cleared that up, it turned out that the settlement was too small to
have a petrol pump, so one of the locals got a bucket and a rubber tube,
siphoned some petrol out of his car's tank and siphoned it into mine.  I
offered to pay him for the petrol, but he refused to accept and said, "She'll
be right, mate!  One day you will do the same for someone else.".  And
so I have.

All the best, Ian W.

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