[Kde-games-devel] Oxygen game icons

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Wed Oct 24 02:06:57 CEST 2007

Hi, guys. I took the afternoon to make the missing icons for kdegames, 
using a mashup of some game art and existing Oxygen elements. Not all 
are perfect, but they are certainly much better than question marks  :)

The icons are installed by kdebase, you can check them at 
kdebase/runtime/pics/oxygen/scalable/actions/games* . The new ones 
include all that were marked as missing in the techbase todo list, plus 
the end turn one requested by Fela:


Preview at http://piacentini.livejournal.com/

I also adjusted libkdegames, libkmahjongg and all relevant games to use 
the new icons. From what I could tell, all games except KSudoku have a 
complete icon set now (yay!)

For KSudoku, the CHECK toolbar icon is not specified. I would suggest 
using games-endturn for this, if possible. Josel? I know there are also 
other icons missing in KSudoku (for different game types). Maybe you 
could for now use games-config-board? In any event the KSudoku missing 
icons were not in our lists, so I am not sure what we could do to 
address this, suggestions are welcome.

Remember, svn update and install kdebase in order to have a complete set 
including the new icons. Johann had already made games-hint as well.

Mauricio Piacentini

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