[Kde-games-devel] Missing icons

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Mon Oct 15 06:24:07 CEST 2007

I just created a page on techbase to track the missing icons we still 
need for KDE 4.0. I listed what I could find in libkdegames, 
libkmahjongg and the games I maintain. Page is at


Notice that some cells are in yellow, marking icons that I am not sure 
are used still in the module. If your game is using one of these icons, 
please update the table to reflect this. If the action is no longer used 
we could possibly deprecate it, or at least do not waste time making an 
icon for it at this crunch time.

The last cell (Ready to ship?) has three possible colors: green, orange 
and red. The green ones are done, the red ones are missing. The orange 
ones are special: it would be nice to have game-specific ones (this is 
also suggested by David Vignoni), but the ones we have now are 
releasable for KDE 4. As an example, we are using the document-new one 
for New Game, or media-start-playback for Demo. Ideally we should have 
game specific icons, I think.

I did not list all the application icons, simply because all have to be 
done :) I think we should create a separate table for these.

Feedback is welcome. Please, add the icons missing on your game to this 
list until the end of this week, if possible. We are already a bit late 
with our plan to compile this list and share it with the Oxygen artists, 
or let our artists start working on the missing pieces.

The good bit is that (so far) we are missing only eight icons to have a 
basic set, at least for an initial release. So there is hope.

Mauricio Piacentini

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