[Kde-games-devel] GGZ / KDE games multiplayer

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Mon May 21 10:56:32 CEST 2007

2007/5/21, Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>:
> As far as i know KReversi is already using ggz in some way.
Yes, in 'some way'. But it still lacks full GGZ support (read: not
playable through GGZ).

Currently, I'm experiencing some (yet unidentified) hardware related
problem with my home computer (it refuses to boot at all for some
reason), so I may react slowly to email (only when I'm not very busy
at work) and not so fast with developing apps (again because I now
limited with one computer).

Josef, you've done some work with KReversi, IIRC it currently can
connect and send some data to GGZ server?

I've read your nice developer's tutorials, and is there one on setting
up GGZ on user side? I mean which packages (or svn checkouts) KDE4
user needs to have for GGZ to work?

CMake gives a hint about their names, but where to get them?
Sorry if I missed some mail explaining all this :-)

> > Anyway, I hope that you consider using GGZ. Making the games network
> > compatible would also be cool.

Yes! Thanks for your effort, Andreas!
That would surely be cool! And I think it will be in near future :-)


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