[Kde-games-devel] Saving overheads when resizing SVG

Ian Wadham ianw2 at optusnet.com.au
Tue Jun 5 05:15:32 CEST 2007

On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 08:46 am, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Sunday 03 June 2007, Ian Wadham wrote:
> with the inclusion of the check for Qt::WA_PendingResizeEvent, KAtomic only
> resizes once.
Dmitry's problem is that if he does maximize, quit and relaunch with KAtomic,
the central widget does not resize at all after the relaunch and looks yuk. In
that particular case, KAtomic gets only one resize event form the startup of
main window, which KAtomic ignores because it is a "pending" event.

> > Another point is that neither KDE3.5 nor KDE4 main window remembers the
> > "restore" size after you quit when maximized.
> yes, it would be nice to save and restore this information as well; it
> would also be nice if restoring maximized windows worked at all in kde4 ;)
> it seems to be broken right now. kmainwindow is doing the right thing, but
> KWindowSystem/NET::WindowInfo is failing us... i'll talk to lubos about
> these issues.
This is great :-) ... however ... :-(

IMHO the double resize in KDE4 main window startup is the main
problem and could affect every KDE4 application that has a large
amount of rendering or painting to do when it starts up.

I checked back with KDE3 (3.4.2 specifically) and it triggers just *one*
resize event when the main window starts up.  So I think this double
resize in KDE4 is a *bug*.  Could you ask lubos about it, Aaron?

All the best, Ian W.

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