[Kde-games-devel] KBounce was Re: KWin4 Status

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Tue Feb 20 20:26:55 CET 2007

Tomasz Boczkowski wrote:
> The second solution seems to be most resonable, but doesn't the usage of
> various canvas frameworks in one kdegames package lead to inconsistency?

I don't think so. Even before Qt4 there were some games that used 
QCanvas, while others used QPainter directly, and still others that had 
their own sprite/dirty rect routines. The main benefit of using QGV in 
theory is to offset development/maintenance costs to TT, imo. 
KGameCanvas is very light, and it is already in libkdegames anyway, as 
it is used by more than one game. So there is no extra weight added to 
KBounce specifically, either with QGV or KGameCanvas.

In the future, of course, it could be good for new authors and 
maintainers if all games shared the same implementation, but I do not 
see it happening any time soon. Even using QPainter directly is the best 
approach for some apps, as you know, and there is no sense in forcing 
QGV implementations of these apps. And ultimately all of these solutions 
end up using QPainter calls anyway, right?

Of course, using other drawing backends (SDL or GTK) is probably too 
much, but I do not see any demand for this.

Mauricio Piacentini

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