[Kde-games-devel] KMines SVG

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Tue Feb 13 03:39:31 CET 2007

Mark A. Taff wrote:
> I think this is my "final" version, at least until after the code catches 
> up. ;-)

It will! In a week most likely, or two, depending on how I choose to 
spend the Carnival holidays...

> Please let me know if I need to change anything before it gets committed to 
> svn, if it should be approved for svn!

No, there is no need to change anything at this time. If necessary I 
will rename or adjust the element ids, according to (possible) changes 
in code.
I thought you were going to include the score widgets as well, but maybe 
it would be better if I do the code implementation to use them first, 
using the classic look. What do you think of it?

> To be clear, I don't have a svn account, so if it is going to be committed, 
> one of you fine ladies or gentlemen will have to do it. ;-)

I will commit it as soon as the companion code changes are in.


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