[Kde-games-devel] KMines SVG

Mark A. Taff marktaff at comcast.net
Thu Feb 8 08:41:50 CET 2007

I've been doing some hacking on KMines SVG. 

In the KDE3 Kmines:
	1) the smily faces are 29px sq *.xpm files;
	2) the mine, flag, and number of adjacent mines are pixmaps drawn in code 
from QPainter; *
	3) the playing area is a KGrid2D object, not pixmaps;

Given this, I am unsure of how to procede with making the svg images, because 
I don't know what images an SVG based KMines would need.  Making the smiley 
faces is a no brainer, but will KDE4 KMines abandon KGrid2D, and thus need 
images for the grid?  Do we need svg images for the numbers, or should this 
be kept as QPainter objects?

My C++ is really weak, so I don't have any firm idea of how KMines would 
function in KDE4 as opposed to KDE3.

I would appreciate some direction from one (or more!) of you kde-games coders 
out there.

I have attached a svgz of work thus far for reference; really just grappling 
with what already exists in KDE3.



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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: default_theme.svgz
Type: image/svg+xml
Size: 2171 bytes
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Url : http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-games-devel/attachments/20070207/f62af1ee/attachment.svg 

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