[Kde-games-devel] Kalzium Similations/Games and your new code

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Fri Sep 22 17:47:56 CEST 2006

> Why not call it Kanvas :)
> Also, I'm sure there will be requests in time to move it to kde-libs as 
> otherwise, say kde-edu will need to have kde-games as a requirement if they 
> want to use kboard (or Kanvas).

This is a nice suggestion, but I believe we need to exercise caution not 
to go overboard with this. And this comes from the guy that accepted the 
suggestion to use it in first place :)

I suggest that we take some time to evaluate all options before even 
thinking about incorporating anything into kdelibs. At this time, 
KGoldRunner is the only application that we could not port to QGV, for a 
specific performance reason. And the port is not discarded yet, 
according to Ian. There is no other application in KDE where QGV had 
failed to address the needs of the developer, as far as I know. In the 
long run it is not good to have code in the library that duplicates 
existing functionality in Qt, or is a subset of it, UNLESS there is a 
good reason for it.

Having said that, I still believe it should go in, but certainly not at 
the kdelibs level. It could probably go into libkdegames, and this could 
be made an independent module, like kdepimlibs already is. But if it is 
only for Kalzium, then I believe it is best to try to use QGV for 
Kalzium first. Really, if it does not work for some reason you can port 
in 3 hours, like I did with KGoldrunner. You will probably find however 
that QGV fits the needs of the simulations completely well.


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