[Kde-games-devel] kreversi_rewrite is almost finished...

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Wed Sep 6 23:27:57 CEST 2006

> And it is: kreversi is using QGraphicsView framework.

And how is it working out for you? I understand the graphic requirements 
are not heavy, so it is probably ok.

In KGoldrunner we could not get acceptable (and linear) performance yet, 
and I can see the Qt4.2 release coming closer and this is still not 
fixed. Hopefully our feedback on qt4-preview will be considered.

While we wait for a resolution, I put my plans of porting KMahjongg 
drawing to QGV on hold. I am going to wait one or two weeks (or Qt4.2 
final), and if this performance issue is not addressed I will probably 
use QPainter directly for both KMahjongg and KGoldrunner.

To be honest, in KMahjongg I do not think we will have much trouble with 
QGV due to the relatively stillness of the pieces :) But KGoldrunner 
seems to reveal the worst case scenarios in the current QGV 
implementation, so it looks like we will have to port the drawing code 
again if nothing changes...


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