[Kde-games-devel] KGame/KPlayer API usability in kdegames

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 19:02:29 CEST 2006

On Monday 10 July 2006 20:24, Josef Spillner wrote:
> A lot of the "requirements engineering" towards Qt features could probably
> need more input from game developers. Usually, during KDE meetings (such as
> aKademy), there are very few games people. Personally, I've eagerly awaited
> QGraphicsView but admittedly lacked the time to try it out so far. If
> there's something missing, make sure to bring it to the trolls' attention.
Well, I started playing with it while trying to port KWin4 game from QCanvas 
to QGraphicsView.
The only thing that striked me is this 'eventFilter-problem' which I briefly 
described in this thread.

And I'm not sure whether this 'eventFilter' magic is really needed (and coolo 
called KGameMouseIO a 'weird concept' :) ) when implementing key/mouse input 
in games.
Although, I must admit KGameIO idea is not the bad one, but how much is it 
In kwin4 only?
Seems so...


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