[Kde-games-devel] Starting a new KDE game - Parsek

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Tue Dec 12 19:25:18 CET 2006

A Dimecres 06 Desembre 2006 19:00, Jure Repinc va escriure:
> Hi,

> I've started working (slowly, since I don't have a lot of free time) on
> a new game for KDE. It is a turn-based space empire building game (known
> as 4X - eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate) that is similar to
> Stars! and Galactic Civilizations.
> The game, which I currently call Parsek, is based on Thousand Parsec
> project (http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/), which is a framework for
> creating games like this. Thousand Parsec provides the server side
> implementation of the protocol and client side C++ protocol library is
> also available. So what remains to be done in Parsec is to use this
> library and create a user interface and the logic behind it.
> I'm targeting KDE4 with this game so I'm using Qt4.2 (qt-copy) and KDE 4
> libs already. I'm also using CMake as a building system. I'll also use
> other KDE4 technologies like Phonon for sound and so on. I'd like it to
> as best KDE4 citizen as possible. Maybe some day it could also come into
> official KDE Games package. If it will be good enough and if there is
> interest and if Thousand Parsec C++ protocol library isn't too much of a
> dependency for a KDE game.

Well, libraries are there to be used, so it should not be TOO MUCH. 
The "problem" could be that all our games are currently games that can be 
played 2 minutes while waiting for something and Parsek sounds quite 
different from that, but imho that should not be a problem either if the game 
is good enough and there is enough interest.

> One of the first things I need to decide is where to put the source
> code. Should I use KDE SVN or Thousand Parsec Darcs repository? What
> pros and cons would each of these have? We've already been talking with
> other TP developers about this. You can see our discussion here:
> http://www.thousandparsec.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=616

Well, for me it is quite clear beign in KDE SVN is better, that way you will 
get more visibility (think KDE commit digest mentioning "Parsek gets 
imported") and maybe even someone will jump the ship from KDE to Parsek and 
maybe some of the other developers will jump from Parsek to KDE and all of us 
end up winning.


> Thanks in advance for your opinion about this.

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