[Kde-games-devel] Is it too late to get KGoldrunner into KDE 3.2?

Ian Wadham ianw at netspace.net.au
Thu Aug 7 10:12:41 CEST 2003

Hi guys,

I have just been looking at the schedule for KDE 3.2 and I see
they are starting to freeze on 1st Sept.  Is it too late for me to
think of getting KGoldrunner v2 into KDE 3.2?

The actual game engine and levels are as they were 15 months
ago and I have subjected them to dozens of hours of "testing"
... ;-) ...  I have done a lot of work on the architecture, separating
it into modules for main window, game control, dialogs, play-area
painting, background objects (bricks, etc.) and runner animation.

I am currently working with KDE 3.1.1 and Qt 3.1.1 and am
writing a KDE-ized version of KGoldrunner.  I am very close
to finishing my KMainWindow coding and testing.

What remains in other modules is:

    1. i18n-izing my strings.

    2. Putting a KDE top-level on my dialogs (these use QDialog
        and QMessage at present, but also QLayout, so they scale
        reasonably at all screen resolutions --- as far as KDE allows
        --- bad things happen to desktop fonts when you go from
        1280x1024 to 640x480, but the gameplay looks OK still).

    3. What to do about my documentation?  There is a lot and it is
        all in HTML currently.  Can I get KDE to read HTML
        temporarily, until I have time to learn and master "docbook"?

Should I go for it?  If so, what do I need to do immediately?  Or
should I wait till KDE 3.3?  Any idea when might that be released?

I hope you can advise me.  All the best, Ian Wadham.

P.S. I've found out what happened with my last commit to
kdenonbeta, and why, so I should know what to do when I
commit this time ... :-)
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