[Kde-games-devel] Some nice stuff

Rob Kaper kde-games-devel@mail.kde.org
Sat, 13 Apr 2002 19:10:56 +0200

On Saturday 13 April 2002 12:42, Josef Spillner wrote:
> Hi,

Hey Josef, how are you? :-)

> - another KIO slave, very experimental, which can be used to access met=
> servers of any kind. Unfortunately all those which use sub-slaves don't
> work yet, I'll have to fix that. In theory, games like Atlantik or Free=
> or Netrek or our own meta server are supported.

Very interesting.. I'll have to keep an eye on that for Atlantik!

> - port to KDE3

Yah, that'd be useful!

I guess I'd better update my GGZ tree again, been a while. :-)

Rob Kaper     | "This [party] is your idea of hell?"
cap@capsi.com | "Actually, in hell you tend to know a lot of the people"
www.capsi.com | -- Cordelia and Angel, "She"