[Kde-games-devel] Some nice stuff

Josef Spillner kde-games-devel@mail.kde.org
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 03:20:40 +0200


On Saturday, 13. April 2002 19:10, Rob Kaper wrote:
> Hey Josef, how are you? :-)

Well... I just got up and it's deep night. Must be release weekend.

> > - port to KDE3
> Yah, that'd be useful!
> I guess I'd better update my GGZ tree again, been a while. :-)

If you use the -rggz-0-0-5 tag, you're on the safe side.
I can't guarantee anything for HEAD, because we're fast with throwing all the 
unstable features in there.
My part will be to exchange KDE's admin/ files first. But not right now ;)


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